Hello & A Young Entrepreneur in Bali

Welcome you entrepreneurs and small businesses to Pasquesi Partners LLC!

Its great to see and feel all the energy surrounding Chicago’s start-up environment over the past five years.  Since the launch of www.1871.com (as well as other tech incubators), we’ve seen many successful companies start as a two person entity and grow into mature organizations generating revenue and raising several millions of dollars of capital – very exciting!  We’ve also seen impressive success stories of start-ups, such as Groupon and GrubHub,  that put Chicago on the map as the Midwest”Bay Area” for tech companies.

Pasquesi Partners was built around helping entrepreneurs and smaller businesses with their accounting, taxes, and provide business and social media consulting strategies.  We are not your average accounting/tax firm and instead take a different approach and use a unique business model to serve our clients and run our practice.  Accounting is the language of all businesses.  We help you understand your numbers so that you can better manage your company.  Pasquesi Partners uses a simplistic approach with our clients and firm.  We’re excited to be your business partner – after all, we know what’s it like to be a start-up.

The Bali “Lemonade Stand”:

Base of Mt. Batur
Base of Mt. Batur

My wife and I recently returned from our two week honeymoon trip in Bali, Indonesia.  One of the activities that we did was climb Mount Batur, which is a 5,600 foot active volcano in Bali.  After waking up at 1:00 am, we arrived at the base of the volcano around 3:30 am for the climb trying to reach the peak before the sunrise.  There were approximately 30 people in our group when we started, then just after we left base camp, another person joined.  This person that joined us looked rather young, definitely under the age of 14 and he had a backpack – the group called him “the kid”.  “The kid” was helping the women walk up the volcano during some of the difficult parts of the path – the terrain was challenging at times.

We finally made it to the top before sunrise (about 5:45 am) and we’re greeted with egg sandwiches (the eggs were boiled from the steam of the volcano – pretty cool).  For the prepared climbers, we brought bottles of water with us, however, many were very tired and thirsty.  Before you new it, “the kid” opened up his back-pack and started selling bottles of Coke and water to the climbers.  Of course, he had an impressive mark-up on each drink he sold, but the climbers didn’t care – they wanted something to drink immediately.  Just before “the kid” sold his last bottle, someone asked him what his plans were for the rest of the day – he said “I’m 12 years old and attend school near the bottom of the volcano.  I wake up each morning at 3:00 am, climb the volcano, sell drinks, then climb back and attend school.”  When his friends were sleeping, this young entrepreneur was working hard – he found a problem and solution.  He reminded me of those kids in the US selling lemonade on hot days during the summer.  At the age of 12, he learned the value of hard work, how to solve a problem, and make a profit.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see him one day being the next Steve Jobs or Richard Branson.

Peak of Mt. Batur
Peak of Mt. Batur

Pasquesi Partners look forward to discovering new ventures and entrepreneurs and highlighting their stories in our weekly blog.  If you have a story and know of someone or business that should be featured, please send us a note to info@pasquesipartners.com.