Business credit cards provide a great way for small business owners to build company credit and earn rewards. They also are a convenient way to purchase items necessary to grow the business. But, of course, there’s are a couple of caveats. You must have good personal credit to be approved for a business credit card. […] Read more “BREX Credit Card Review: The Perfect Card for Businesses”

We are dedicated to the small business owner, the Inc. 5000, and all the new and upcoming startups who change the world on their own. Here at Pasquesi Partners LLC, we are the engine that keeps your business turning. We need you and you need us; it’s a beautiful and innovative partnership that takes accounting […] Read more “Nothing Can Stop Us — Pasquesi Partners LLC Named A Top Accounting Firm By Clutch!”

When it comes to what your customers or clients say about your business, talk is anything but cheap. In fact, the opinions they express to friends, colleagues, and the thousands of people who read their online reviews can tell you more about your company’s present performance and outlook for the future than almost any other […] Read more “Feedback to the Future: Why You Need to Know Your Net Promoter Score”

Imagine receiving a gift that could change your life; one that could make you see things differently, improve your performance, and provide you with lucrative opportunities for the future. Now imagine never opening that gift, instead letting it sit there gathering dust. That gift is your company’s data, and if you don’t spend the time […] Read more “Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: New Solutions Can Help You Harness the Power of Your Company’s Data”

It has been said that marriage is a partnership. Sometimes, however, marriage can be a sole proprietorship, or a joint venture, or an LLC. Many married couples decide to go beyond the metaphorical business of marriage and go into actual business together. As with any other company, those established and managed by spouses can take […] Read more “I Now Pronounce You a Qualified Joint Venture: Tax Options for Spouses as Business Partners”

Everything that’s changed for Meals and Entertainment tax deductions from the 2018 Tax Reform Bill The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Act”) recently had its first birthday. Whether you see that as a reason to celebrate or an unwelcome reminder, there is little question that the law’s multitude of changes to the tax code […] Read more “Tax Deduction Changes for Business Meals and Entertainment: The Fine Line Between Food and Fun”

When you take a new job as an employee, there is usually a bunch of paperwork to complete to get you set up and settled in. This includes your W-4 tax form, which determines how much your new employer will withhold from each paycheck. If you don’t know or don’t recall what your W-4 says […] Read more “New Tax Benefits Are in the Eye of the Withholder: Make Sure Your W-4 is Correct”

A small business guide to fringe benefits taxes A healthy workforce can significantly contribute to the health of a company’s bottom line. The prospect of increased productivity and decreased healthcare costs provides an incentive for employers to do what they can to promote their employees’ well-being. For many businesses, doing so involves wellness programs that […] Read more “Keeping Your Company’s Wellness Program in Good Tax Shape”

A college education costs a lot of money. It is a fair bet that it will cost even more next year, and the year after that, and the decade after that.For parents, the thought of writing checks for upwards of $60,000 a year for four years or more can send shivers down the spine. But […] Read more “Get Your College (Savings) Education: Understanding 529 Plans and UTMA/UGMA Accounts”

If there existed a place called “The Museum of the American Workplace,” the typewriters, fax machines, and other relics would likely be accompanied by an exhibit of traditional defined-benefit pension plans. Once a bedrock of employer-based retirement savings, traditional pension plans have been under siege and disappearing from the American workforce for decades, replaced by […] Read more “Cash-Balance Plans Can Help Small Business Owners Boost Savings”